Focus on information that helps you grow

My personal definition of success

For me, success means someone who has lived well, laughed often and loved a lot. Who earned the respect of intelligent people and the love of young children. Who found a void that he filled with life and fulfilled his task. Who was never lacking in gratitude and who appreciated the beauty of our earth. Who always saw the best in others and always gave his best. Whose life was an inspiration. And of course financial freedom (at least in this case for myself and family).

I believe that developing skills is very important. As a kid, I loved doing math on a daily basis. But I was really bad. Well it is very predictable at times, but this has helped me a lot to develop one of my most important skill. I believe that we humans can learn from everyone else, whether these are good or bad qualities. I have the ability to see the best attributes of every person and use them for myself.

Quotes that have shaped me:

An investment in education pays the best interest.
(Benjamin Franklin)

– Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty
(Henry Ford)

– Capital as such is not evil; it is it’s wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed

– The wise build bridges, the fools build walls

Strength, Leadership, Power, Authority, Guidance, Patience –  Are God’s gift to us as humans. We have to cherish that, not abuse it.
(Denzel Washington)

Do the research and then act

In the information age, it can be very difficult to identify the right and important information. We humans can collect and use information on a daily basis. The question is which and how do you use this information meaningfully in your life. Every expert tells a different story. I’m not here to tell a story, but to share meaningful information like my idol Napoleon Hill did.

An example on the subject of money:

REMINDER: Important: Only less than 0.25% of the world’s population are dollar millionaires.

Worldwide the millionaires are distributed according to wealth as follows (Stand: Capgemini World Wealth Report 2017, Wikipedia):

Approximately 16,25 Millionen people – between 1 and 5 Millionen US-Dollar

Approximately 1,65 Millionen people – between 5 and 30 Millionen US-Dollar

Approximately 174.800 people – more than 30 Millionen US-Dollar

Approximately 2.043 people – more than 1 Billion USD

Baur au Lac-Oliver Martin focus

Power of thinking

Nowdays everthing has to be quick. Why is that? I need money now. I need followers. Really? You hear that all over the world. Especially in hard times. The problem is you don’t need more money, you need a smart mind and a really good strategy. Good work takes time. You don’t have to be a genius to realized that. This principle is existing longer than me. Longer than everyone on this planet. It is nothing new. It is history. Again: Do the math/research and study.

Every Entrepreneur in the world will agree with me that the hardest of all disciplines is THINKING and TAKE ACTION. It always depends from who you learn. Every day you can see many entrepreneurs trying to sell a service and speaking about online marketing. Are they Experts? No, they are not, in 85% of all cases.

8 of 10 companies fail, why? exactly, because the CEO/Management do not understand the power of thinking and is not willing to learn. The ego will kill you.

Of course, it is important, but it’s the very last piece of a huge puzzle made up of hundreds of building blocks. Important is the know-how behind every step you take.

more about Oliver Martin

Article CEOWORLD Magazine
